Well over the weekend my friend from the high school came to stay at my house. We got bored so we went to my boyfriend's house and hung out there. We threw snowballs at my friend because it was funny. I was suppose to send time with my mom but she kind of blow me off so I went and did something else. Then when I got back I got in trouble which made me so mad. Now I can't go stay at my boyfriend's house for his birthday party because the roads are going to be bad. Yeah right. So that's why I am having a really bad day today. So if you see me mad or sad you will know why.
Well I am going to get ready for class.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Well today I get to see if I passed my drivers ed test for my permit. I just want to know if I did or not. I am going to have a great day today because I will have a really good time in activity time. I have no Read 180 today so that makes my day even more exciting. I am just hours away from my permit if I passed, can't wait till then. It is here, today I have a pep band thing that I have to go to, it is going to be fun. If some of you don't know what that is well this is what it is. Our whole marching band gets split up into two different groups red and gold. The red group will go to the first basketball game and play at half time and before the game starts. Then the gold group will do the same thing when the next game comes up. That is basically what pep band is. I am in the red group so today I will play for varsity tonight. This weekend is going to be so great one of my friends are going to coming to my house for the weekend which will be kind of fun. Oh and about my Read 180 thing, well it is being dumb right now because I have to take the a different test that will actually show my reading score. Man do I really hate Read 180. But in a way i kind of like it because I get to get out of quiet time.
Well got to go I got to start class here pretty soon.
Well got to go I got to start class here pretty soon.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Well yesterday I went to the Rotary Lights in La Crosse. It was ok, but really cold. I had to play for the Rotary Lights, which was really weird because there was a of people there that were staring at us felt weird that it wasn't Sparta. Then after we played for them we went to go get hot chocolate, which was really small. And after that we went to go see Santa!! That was really weird, just something random, we all got buttons heck yes. After we were done with the Rotary Lights we went to the mall, which was really fun. I got to go to Hot Topic. Just to let everyone know I got a new shirt, which is very amazing. Well going to go for right now. I promise that I will type something else when I have more news to tell.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Something Random
Well I am so glad that testing is going to be gone after we are done this week. All week I have been so tird cause I had to get sleep and I am really use to not getting any sleep. Well next week I will be done with testing and with my regular classes again yes!!!!!!!!!! I would like to say welcome back Mr. Kenndey. I am so sorry that I haven't typed any blogs in the past month but here I am now tring to type something random. Angela is a AMAZING friend. Well that's I have to say today cause I got to get ready for drivers ed.
Monday, September 22, 2008
My Weekend
Well my weekend was really boring. I am getting a guitar, I know sweet. But I stayed up till 1 last night so I was tired when I came into school and now I am not tired. The haunted house was open this weekend so I went there and worked on my room. I tryed convencing Mr. Geiwitz to go but I don't think he will go, teachers. But anyway my weekend was kind of retarded, dumb and did I menchin that it was boring. The weekend good times. But I got to get back on my anatomy so I will talk to you all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Well It's Friday Again
Well it's friday again. It is going to be a really good weekend. I will probably do nothing at home. Today at 4:30 I will be going to the grand opening of the water street road. I will be there for band. We will be marching the road and playing. So that will be fun. This is going to be out of the convertion but yesterday my brother had a football game and my brother trampled some kid down but my brother's team lost 16 to 6, yeah I know that is bad and our team sucks. But anyway back on today I just can't wait till I go home today. I am just so tired that I want to go home and go to bed!!!!!! But I have nothing else to say so talk to you later.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Haunted House
Well Yesterday I went to the Haunted House. I had to do a lot of running around. First I was walking with Jeff, Eric, Derrick and Me. When I got there I had to go back to my house and change my cloths I can paint. Then I went back to the haunted house, I then had to back to my house to tape my mom's show. Then back to the haunted house. Man that was a lot of breath taken out of me. When we were in the house Jeff, Eric, Brad and Me tryed to go through the whole thing, it didn't work out. Then I got called so I had to go all the way back to my room and explain to some people what I am going to do in my room. That really sucked because there were two people in the room that I knew and it was my Godfather and his wife. I was really scary speaking in front of them and telling them what is going on in our room. Well at I got 3 hugs out of it. When my godfather came to the house yesterday I got a hug and then when I got in the house I was running around cause I had nothing to do. Then I followed him in to the next room. He sat on the window and then I did the same thing and then he put his arm around me and kept it there, It was awesome. Then I was just getting outside to call my brother and see why he called me and then my godfather and his wife come out of the house and they were ready to leave. I got one last hug and a hug from his wife. I feel happy. I am going to really miss him so bad. I guess that's the why of life. That's all I have to say for now
Monday, September 15, 2008
Eagle Bluff
Friday, September 5, 2008
Haunted House
Well yesterday I went to the haunted house and I had to do everything in my room!!!!!! I really hated it because my partner needs to help out cause I am sick of her late and always helping someone else out it bugs me. So if she don't want to help me out I might just kick her out!! As some of you know that I hurt my leg yesterday but today I am fine. My brother might be taking over a room at the haunted house and that room is right next to mine, so I have my brother right next to me. Well that's all I have to say today.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Well yesterday I went to my godfathers house and it was ok, they were cleaning their basement. Well Jared and Natalie were not me. I just sat back and watched. Jared and Natalie were moving everthing and they did know what was in it so one of the boxs were opened and guess what Natalie pulls out, my fourth grade picture and I just said to myself ok this isn't cool. Jared said that it was so cute and I just smiled. So Yeah I love hanging out with those guys. They always make me laugh, Angela you got to meet them cause Natalie knows your name. Then I had to go, so I gave Natalie a hug and went upstairs to give Jared a hug and he was outside, so I had to go to the back of the house and I told Jared that I was leaving and he opened the gate and let me though, but the only thing that was holding me back was the dogs. One of their dogs is twice my size. I got trampled. When I got though I gave my godfather a hug, He gave me a kiss on the head and then I left. That was the first time he has ever did that. I think he did it because he knows that he is going to Iraq and that we only known each other for 5 years. It really sucks, I really don't want to have him go. But anyway that was my day after I got home from school, went to my grandma's and then went for a walk.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Well band started up again and I am so excited about it. August 18 I went to band camp and it felt good that I was a sophomore and that I did have to go though with the stuff that the Freshmen had to go though. But anyway August 18 I got my band uniform that is really hot. Today we are actually learning music for Band Day, which I am not going to be there this year. My mom don't have the money to buy the ticket from Mrs. Jensen. But on September 12 I will be doing a field show at hafe time at the football games and that will be really fun. I just have a really good feeling that band is going to be really fun this year with all of our freshmen. It feels really good to be a sophomore. Two more years and I will be out of school and will be out of band and I am ready for it and I am not. It just means that my school years are almost over. Hopefully that this year doesn't go that fast for me. When I am out of band I will not know what to do cause that means I will not be able to play in a group. In band I am playing two instruments that I am playing, one is the tenor sax and the other is the flute. I plan on playing my flute till my senior year then I am going to play the tenor sax. I think that band camp was actually kind of gay this year. Everybody makes fun of me because I go to band camp and that I play the flute. I hate the color guard cause there is this person that I hate that is in there which she shouldn't be because she has only been to on day of band camp and people that are new have to be at band camp everyday so they know the steps and you also have to be in the band because that also helps the color guard, but anyway I hate color guard cause my old best friend is in it. But that shouldn't get me down cause I have a new best friend and her name is Angela Woodman. I am proud that she is my friend cause she don't go behind your back and say a hole bunch of stuff. She is AWESOME. That's all I have to say for right now. I will probably blog tomorrow.
Second Day
Well everyone it is the second day of school. Well all I have to say today is that today for me is going to be awesome because know school started and now I don't have to be bored, so happy. Well that's all I have to say.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Well everyone school is here. I am so glad that I am back in school. I was so bored this summer. Angela staying at your house was really fun except that I got woke up from a grenade, THANKS. Well this summer a couple of people we know have pasted away and it sucks that they are gone. My Uncle Randy killed himself in his basement and I miss him terribly. Well school so far is so awesome, but closer to the end of this week I will probably be sick of it so yeah. As you know there is some new students here at high point, but you know what I don't care. Congrats new people you made it to one of the most coolest schools. I really hope that you like it here and that you have fun here. Well before school started I took my dog to the dog park. And my dog was so scared that she was mainly by me and she also did go to anyone else that was with me. Every dog that went to the dog park they would try to play with my dog and that didn't work cause she would just growl. Here are some pictures of her and being stubborn. Other dogs were trying to play with her but like I said she is stubborn.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Man This Is Hard
Well to day I am going to prove to Mr. Geiwitz that I can go the whole day without talking. This is going to be very hard. I seriously want to prove to him about this whole talking thing. Well I hope I can do it, I love you Angela. All I have to say is Mr. Geiwitz you are going down.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Schools Out
Well this is a post for Friday. I am so glad that we had made it though our Freshman year. Now we are going to be all sophomores next year. Well I can't wait. I might be here on Friday but I am not for sure yet. It all depends on what time the graduation gets over. Well I will see you all next year. Go 2011!!!
Well tomorrow will probably be my last day, cause I am going to my cousin's graduation on Friday. I don't know if I am going to be back. Also tomorrow the butterfest rides will be opening up at 4:00. Butterfest has a two new rides and they are the Skymaster and one Kiddi ride, that I don't know what the name is. I am going to have fun tomorrow. It is going to suck to because it is suppose to rain that day when it opens so that will suck if it does cause then I can't see anybody because I would have to stay in the house. I can't wait till tomorrow. But anyway Friday I will at my cousin graduation and when that is done I am going to see Mrs. Kowals new baby. It will be great.
I got to get to work so talk to you all later.
I got to get to work so talk to you all later.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Well Me
Well today I am really cranky because I am really tired. I can't wait till school is out cause then I can sleep in. So I am looking forward to doing that. Yesterday I was watching people put the butterfest rides in place. I think the hurricane is back but I am not for sure. I am so happy that is coming up. Well Friday I will not be at school because I am going to go to my cousin's 8th grade graduation and it startes at 9:00 so I will maybe see you guys around butterfest and maybe I will see you guys this summer. On Sunday I will be marching in the butterfest parade and it is going to be 86 degrees out, hot. Man I am going to be roasting in my band uniform. Yesterday it started to rain, yeah that means cooler air.
Well I have to get work done talk to you all later!!
Well I have to get work done talk to you all later!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
What Happened

Well that's all I have to talk about for right now, so talk to you all later.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Last Night
Well last night when I got home I fell asleep at 4:30 and got up at 7:30 it was nice sleeping in. Then my mom and I tried to go to sleep but we couldn't because we got a call that said that Tonya went back in the hospital because she turned wrong and really hurt her back. So our family was at it again. But this time when my mom and I went in to say I to Tonya she wasn't on a board from the ambulance and she was on a lot of pain medicine. She Tonya might not be at her graduation and maybe she might. Well I am still a little bit tired from last night but in a way I am kind of awake so yeah. Also last night was the awards baquet and I didn't go because my mom did not make a hot dish. So I missed that, so I will be getting my award today when I go to band.
I have to go and do some work.
I have to go and do some work.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Just Some Things
Well I am doing great. I went out to eat at King Buffet and it was really good. My legs are a little sore but I am doing fine. Band is also going great for me, except for the dumb bonehead Katie Deigher, she is making me really mad. But like my mom said just don't worry about because Mrs. Jensen thinks you are doing it right. I said true that. I am doing good in marching band and if I wasn't doing good in band then I wouldn't of got a complement from Mrs. Jensen. Katie just needs to shut up and pay attenchen to herself and not anybody else. She just thinks she is better then everybody else. Well I got something for Katie, she can't even stay in line with everybody else. So she can stuff that down her shorts. I am just so glad that I am not at that flippin school because I would have a lot of problems with everybody there. I also hope she don't join Jazz Band because she probably will say that I am doing something wrong again and you know what I would say, I would say that I've been in Jazz Band before and she hasn't so that is another thing I probably would say. Well school is almost over and I am so happy that it is because I just can't wait. Also there is a few rides already here for butterfest (sweet). Well the pool is going to be open this Saturday. So my brother will be there everyday almost so how fun that will be. Next year I can't wait I will be joining a sport that might help my legs a little bit and that would be Track. Sorry Angela I am going to be way better then you. I am a really fast runner when I want to be. So I will be looking forward for that.
Well I have to do work and in a little bit I am going to go see what the Year Books are going to look like so I will talk to you all later.
Well I have to do work and in a little bit I am going to go see what the Year Books are going to look like so I will talk to you all later.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
The Memorial Parade
Well it was really hot that day. Everybody was really drinking the water down. I know that I drank a lot of water yesterday during the parade!! The water was really warm but it was something. My legs are really sore today so I don't think I am going to be walking to much today. I would like to thank all the people that were there for me.
Well that's all for right now.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Spartan Dufus
Dance Group
Well the dance group was really funny. Liz did a good job tripping up the stairs. I really hope that the dance group sticks with the stuff that they are doing because I think they are really good at it. And Sal did a good job teaching you guys for you guys to be that good. I wish that I actually was that good to do something like that. Well Jessica, Jorce, Angela, Liz and the whole group did really good. Just some words that I would like to say is that Liz try not to trip up the stairs. (Laugh Out Loud). Angela you did pretty good, just try not to run into anybody. Jessica and Jorce you guys did really good. Everyone else, just keep up the good work.
Well I have to do some work! SEE YOU LATER!!
Well I have to do some work! SEE YOU LATER!!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Well yesterday I was looking in the paperview section and I find One Missed Call on there and I told my mom that it was on and she asked me if I wanted to watch it. I said yes and then I waited till 4:00 to watch it. Just to let you guys know that that this movie was awesome it was really good. I am so glad that I got to watch it. After that I went to Danica's house to have a little conversation, plus I had to tell Danica that when she gets in High Point that she has to work really hard. And that she can't talk to anybody at quite time and that she can't be everyones business and stuff like that. So I kinda had a good day yesterday.
Well I have to go to work so talk to you all later!!
Well I have to go to work so talk to you all later!!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Well today I got a good commplement from Mrs. Jensen for good marching. And my presentation was okay I guess. I can't wait till next Monday because I get to see people bring the butterfest rides can't wait!! Well Mr. Hanson is so flippin funny. He cracks me up. He said I did good on my presentation, so thanks Mr. Hanson! I also can't wait till schools out because butterfest is going to be there, right across the street from me and plus the pool is going to open too. My brother would be a butterfest more then the pool because butterfest is the only thing he enjoys, instead of going to the pool the first time it opens. He likes playing the games there, so yeah. Well I got to get to work. See you all later
Friday, May 16, 2008
Well today I am going to get my work done for my presentation. I really don't have a lot of time. Tonya isn't here to help me get the book that I need to make so I am S.O.L. I am not going to get a lot of practicing done before my presentation. But anyway this morning I looked out the window with my mom and we see a train in front of our house. Thanks Angela! And 4th hour today I get to march (Yes) not really. At lease I am not going to sweat today sense it is going to be nice and cool outside. Yesterday my family and I went over to my aunts so my brother can mow the lawn. And when I say family it was my mom, my brother, my cousin sam, her boyfriend, my aunt, my cousin miranda, my cousin brad and me. So it was fun being with them. Well today is going to flippin suck because I am not going to have help, but I am going to try to have a fun time. That's all I hafe to write now.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Well today I went marching for marching band. After that my face looks just as red as an apple almost. My legs feel like rubber. The middle school marching band has it made because the don't have to march from heel to toe, they just get to left their legs up. And plus they get to wear white t-shirts and shorts. We have to wear a uniform that is really hot. We wear pants and they a coat that is long sleeve, man it sucks. I just feel like going in to a ice cold lake. But anyway I got to get to work.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Marching Band
Well marching band starts tomorrow for the high school band. We have to get ready to do the Memorial Parade and the Butterfest Parade. Memorial Parade is going to be a lot of walking. And the Butterfest Parade is going to be every long because we are suppose to march from court street and march down Montgomery street and down Rusk Ave. The band is going to hot on that day. I don't really want to go to get hot in those uniforms. Summer heat is not so pretty when you are in a black, red, white and yellow uniform. It is going to be so hot. All I got to say is that June 6, 7, and 8 is going to be the best because I get to go to the Butterfest grounds to watch plays and just have and ride on the rides there. Well that is all.
My Concert
Well yesterday we had a good concert. I t was alright for me but really I think we did horrible. One song we did was really flippin easy, Pirates Of The Carribean and Three For The Irish, both easy. The other band that played was so awesome. I can't wait till I get better at playing the flute so I can go in there. I really think concert band is great to but I want to be known and I also want to be good at something. Anyway last night was our last concert so I am kinda sad about it. But marching band is coming up and I just can't wait till that day. On the 26 of May we have the Memorial Parade so that should be fun. But anyway I have to go do work, talk to you all later.
Monday, May 12, 2008
The Weekend
Well the weekend was just fine. Saturday when I went fishing with my mom, brother, my aunt and her boyfriend, Tonya, my cousin Miranda, and my brothers friend, we caught maybe 40 fish all together. Between my family we caught 15. Sunday was the best day ever. My dad got this thing that has a poem on it. It was something that was for memory of my grandma, I almost cried, but I didn't. After I was done with being with my dad I went back home and my mom and I went to the movies. We watched the movie What Happens In Vegas. It was pretty funny. My mom wants to get it when it comes out on dvd. Also my aunt turned 18 on Sunday. So Tonya is the lucky 18, she is now a grown-up. My weekend was alright. Well I got to get some credits done so talk to you guys later.
Friday, May 9, 2008
This Weekend
Well this weekend I am going to be doing a lot of things. Today I am going to go stay at my boyfriends. Saturday I am going to go fishing with my mom and my brother for mothers day. On Sunday I am going to go with my dad to go to my aunt Julie's house, for this little memory thing for my grandma. So that is basically what I am going to do this weekend.
Friday, May 2, 2008
It's The Weekend
Well this weekend I do not know what I am going to do. I will probably catch up on some sleep. Well I have to help my mom clean up the house because this guy is coming to look at the house so everything is suppose to be clean for next Wednesday. But I probably will get some sleep done. That is what I am going to do on my weekend. That's all I have to say right now.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
It's May
Well it is May! There are a lot of things happening in May. On May 5 it is my mom's birthday and on May 11 is my aunt's birthday and it is the day that my grandma Lorraine died, so my family and I have a little get together for her. On May 26 is the memorial parade and on May 29 is the band and choir banquet. Finally on May 31 is the high school graduation, we get to play but I am not for sure if we do. So that is all the things that are happening, I know for sure. Well that is all that I have to say right now.
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Just Some Things
Well there are some things that are happing in my life. On May 9 my brother and I might go to my dad's. My brother probably won't want to go but I am going to try talking to my brother to see if he will go because on May 10 dad's family is going to celebrate mothers day and to remember my grandma. So that's one thing we might do. And I am kinda mad that my parents split up because my mom is always down and I think it would be better if my parents were still together. Plus my dad and my step mom fight every time my brother and I are there. It's just sicking. Sometimes I wonder why my parents loved each other if they were going to get a divorce right away. But anyway my life is just wonderful right now. I seriously can't wait till summer. So much swimming and skateboarding for me. Summer is almost here too. Well that's all for right now.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Big Brother Is Over
Well yesterday Big Brother was amazing because I thought that Ryan would win Big Brother but it wasn't him it was Adam. So Big Brother is now over and now I can't wait till Big brother 10, which will show on July 13. I can't wait
Monday, April 21, 2008
Back From Being Sick
Well I am back from being sick. This whole weekend sucked because I had a stomach ache the whole time I was at my grandma's house. But I am feeling a lot better!
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
My Weekend
Well on Saturday I got a new game system, xbox. My brother and I were playing a lot of games on it. We got only one paddle with it so my brother and I had to share. My mom pay 70 bucks just to get it. Then my mom, Anna and Mike went to the casino so I had to baby site my brother. When they got home I got 10 bucks from watching my brother and 20 from watching my cousin a while back. Then we went to Wal-mart so I can get the movie Walk Hard. On Sunday I went to my boyfriends house. After that my mom came and picked me up to go home cause we had to help take care of my grandma's neighbor's baby because there was no one there at the house to take care of her so we did it and the baby was hooked on me. So I had to sleep in my brothers room. That was basically my weekend!
Friday, April 11, 2008
It's The Weekend
Well it's the weekend. I am going to go outside and go skateboarding, maybe that's if it is not raining. I might go and play something with my brother. On Sunday I am going to watch Big Brother. I want to see who wins the Head Of Household. I really want Sheila to win it or Ryan. So that is going to be my weekend.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
What Happened
My brother was sick the last two days. He wasn't feeling to good yesterday and had to stay home because he had a fever. Then my mom had to resine for the morrow home because supposely she didn't give a two week notice about quit and going to a different work. So that's what happened to my mom. Yesterday night we were watching Big Brother and James got put back on to the block because Ryan won the P.O.V (Power Of Veto) and took off Sheila off the block so now Sharon and James are on the block. I really want Ryan and Adam to be in the top two.
Monday, April 7, 2008
My Weekend
My weekend was really boring!! I had to help my mom, and then my brother wanted me to play catch with him. I really didn't want to play catch with my brother. I just wanted to help my mom more. Well my mom is doing a little better, but still has pain in her back. She Tried so much to get up an stretch a little bit so her back don't hurt. Then yesterday my back starts to hurt and it still hurts today, but it don't hurt as bad as my moms. My back is hurting because I slept wrong. Yesterday my mom and I went to piggly wiggly to go buy milk and some other stuff. My brother took a bad turn this morning by getting up and throwing up. He did it twice, then when I woke up my brother did it again. So my brother is home. I just hope that the next coming up weekend is better. And another thing I can't wait till summer, then I won't have to get up really early!!!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Yesterday my mom went to the doctors because of her back and the doctor said that she might have a slip disc. Yesterday I was at home helping my mom get up and doing her dishes and cleaning her table. I also had to rub this stuff on her back that is suppose to help her with her muscles in her back. The stuff did help for a while but after a few minutes the pain was back on her back. Today my mom is at home and hopfully she is doing ok. My mom don't know if she is going to go to work on Monday because the pain is bad. S0 that was my dad yesterday.
Friday, March 28, 2008
This Weekend
This weekend I am going to go skateboarding, if it is not raining on sunday like it is suppose to. I want to get back at skateboarding. I will probably ask Scott and Jeff to see if they want to go with me because when we all skateboard together we always have fun. And if I can't go skateboarding then I am going to ride bike. I really don't ride bike, but this week I am going to try to do everything that I havn't did in a long time. So that's what I am going to do this weekend.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
I'm Back
Well I am back from New York. It was a blast being there. Everything that we were visiting I was very amazed with it. I can't wait till I go my Senior year cause then I will be seeing New York for my second year. I am going to try to take as many pictures as I can so I can have memories of New York for my last time seeing it. I got my family stuff from New York but I did get my brother more then everybody else. I am just glad that I am back!! Ground Zero was nice to see that was one of my favorite places to visit. There was a big hole were the World Trade Center used to be, and before we left that place I took some picture of it.
Friday, March 14, 2008
Well it is finally Friday and I am not going to be at school on Monday because of packing for New York. I will be gone for 6 days. New York is finally here for me. So goodbye.
What Happened Last Night
Last night one of my grandma's neighbor got in a car accident. The driver had her baby with her. The driver is going to be going through surgery on her forehead and her foot and the baby was not harmed at all, so the baby is with her grandma right now. So that's what happened last night.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Well that time of the year is coming back up, solo ensemble!! On Saturday 15 the band and choir from Tomah, Sparta and Black River are going to be going to Tomah High School for solo ensemble. I am going to be doing a ensemble with the woodwinds in band. We are doing so far good on our music that we have to do for the judge. Anybody else that is going to be going to that I give you Good Luck!!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Well Big Brother is on tonight and I can wait to see what happens. Someone is going to be coming back on Big Brother and I kinda hope that Jen or Parker comes back into the house but my mom says that Jen will come back because Ryan and Jen are dating. Well, we will just find out what happens tomorrow night.
Monday, March 10, 2008
My Band Pictures
Well my band pictures just came in and I am so excited that they did. They look kinda bad but I like them. I got a me and my bubby picture and singles just of me. I also got a button that has a picture of me. One more week till I go to New York. Can't wait!!!!!!!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Big Brother
Well I found out what the secret sound was for Big Brother. The secret sound was that all couples were to become all singles in the Big Brother game. Then they had to evicted either Allison or Ryan, Allison was evicted from the Big Brother House. After the eviction the HOH composition was on. They had to answer true or false questions, and if you answered it wrong they were eliminated. Adam and Ryan were the last ones to try to win the HOH(Head Of House Hold) composition. Ryan got the last question right so he won the HOH composition. I was very happy because I think he needs it. I can't wait till Sunday to see what happens!!
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
Can't Wait Till Summer!
I can't wait till summer. When summer comes around, I am going to be doing a lot of things to keep myself busy. I am going to skateboard with Scott, Jeff, and Jeff's brother and maybe my brother. I am going to go swimming, maybe do some things at the House Of Shadows, and maybe I will have a job by then. Just can't wait till that day. It is going to be lots of fun for me.
Monday, March 3, 2008
New York Trip
Well March 17 is almost here. Can't wait till that day. We have a lot of music that we have to get use to. And one of the songs are really, really hard!! Then I come home on my godfather's birthday. I know this month I have to send time with family members, friends and my godfather. I am going to try to bring something that I get from New York and bring it to school. I guess when we get to New York, we have to pay our respect for ground zero. Hopfully they don't duck tape our doors like some people did when we went to our D.C. Trip!!
My Weekend
My weekend was really boring!! I was sick the whole week. I was in my pajamas the whole week too. My brother was running a fever so I was hoping that I won't catch it. My mom had to come home from work. Our whole family is getting sick. Today Tonya is home sick. My cousin Sam is home sick so I will not be hanging out with them for a while.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
The Pups
Today my dog Sqeakers and my brothers dog Snickers, are going to be going to the vet to go get fix. After they are done the dogs have to stay there until Thursday. I am really scared about my dog going in and getting fix because she is so tiny, so I am worried. I can't wait till I hear that she is alright. Sqeakers is my cute little angel. I also can't wait till she gets home.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Well Today Is Here
Well today I am going to get my picture taken with my band members and my cousin Brittany McGinnis!! It is going to be lots of fun. I wasn't going to wear my band hat but I have to just because my cousin Brittany wants me to. So today I have my marching band uniform with me at school so I will be ready when I get to the High School.
Monday, February 25, 2008
My New Shoes
Yesterday I just got a new pair of shoes. They are pink/white and I am very happy with them. My other pair of shoes should be coming in pretty soon here so I could wear them when I get them. The ones I got yesterday are Heelys and the ones that are coming in are Emerica's.
Friday, February 22, 2008
My Dog Sqeakers
Last year for Christmas, my aunt's dog had puppies. My aunt told me that when the puppies got older I could have one and I said ok. Then my aunt told me that she was just kidding when we were ready to take the first puppy. My mom said that when it comes to puppies she can't joke around because I would take it seriously. So my aunt let me have the first pick because I am her godchild. So I picked a black and white dog with a little bit of bronze. When my aunt brought it over I was so excited. When she got to my house we started calling her Sqeakers because so always made noise, so we started calling her Sqeakers. I am happy that I have my dog!
Thursday, February 21, 2008
My Brother's Birthday
I can't wait till my brother's birthday. It is going to be so much fun to see him become a teenager. My brother's birthday is in 16 days and then when those 16 days end my brother will be 13, just can't wait.
The Wrestling Family
Our family is a wrestling family. Like Everytime there is something on about wrestling our family has to watch it. Watching wrestling is my family's favorite things to watch on T.V. My brother watches Monday Night Raw everytime when it comes on every monday. Then our family watch all the paper view's that come on for wrestling. This last paper view was on sunday and it was called No Way Out (wrestling). Now when it gets close to wrestlemana 24 then we will also pay for that one. So our family is more like wrestling fans. Sometimes I watch it but not that much because I really don't get in to it.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
What I Want To Do When Out Of School
When I get out of school, I would like to go to college and become an EMT(Emergency Medical Technician). I am kinda following my dad's footsteps. I really hope that I can become one. That is one of my biggest dream right now. I have to learn a lot of things just to get to that point. But I am going to try my best to learn everything and to get to that point.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
This is For My Godfather
I love you lots and I will always be there for you!! I will miss you when you go to Irag. I am just hoping you come back safe cause I want you to take care of me if something happens to my parents!! LOVE YOU LOTS!!
Last Weekend
Last weekend I went to my dad's. It wasn't all that fun though. All we did was wash my dad's car and wash my stepmom's car and then after that we watched movies. Friday was just awesome because I was playing at the game then my dad picked us up. That was my weekend.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Happy Valentine's Day to everyone.
Doing this now just in case there is no school tomorrow.
Doing this now just in case there is no school tomorrow.
Just Some Things
I just can't wait till New York!! My brother wants me to buy him something when I am there. I told my brother that I would if that thing did cost to much. On monday I went to pep band and most of the people that come there are basicly there for the band because we play so good. At the game on monday the girls varsity basketball team won there game. Every time I go to a basketball game that has to deal with the girls playing they win all the time and the boys varsity basketball team always lose there games. My next pep band will be on Friday and I can't wait!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
My family
Some of my family members are just plan stupid and need to get help!! Yesterday my uncle let my cousin drink, he also got drunk, so my mom had to take him home. My cousin is only 15 in a half and my uncle lets him drink and my grandparents let him drink to. If that was me or my brother we would get our butts chewed off. I think my uncle needs to get help. His family ain't the smartest and he just needs help. So that's what my family does!!
Friday, February 8, 2008
Me Going To New York!!
I get to go to New York for band. It is going to be lots of fun. I get to go with my cousin Brittany. I get to play in the band go and do some shopping there too. I can't wait till I get to go. I on the 17 of March and come back on the 22 of March. When I get there I am going to take pictures. It is going to be a long ride there. My mom is worried about me going, but I went to Washington D.C. so I hope she don't worry to much!! Can't wait till New York comes closer to that day!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Life Is To Short!
Life is to short to hate and to argue. I had four grandma's die in a row, but all different years. I only have three grandma's left and I love them all and hope that they all see that I love them lots. One of my grandma's died last year and she was close to me. And I was in the room when she died and now I can go in the room that she died in. I lost three grandma's on my dad's side and I lost one on my mom's side. Some grandma's like to argue a lot or don't want to be part of some people's lives, and I think that is just the worst thing that they could ever do. I hope my family can come together and just be everything they can be. Family members are probably going to be the best thing that ever happened to you!! I would like to say that I am proud to have family members that care about me. But they can easily slip away from you. Because life is to short to hate and argue.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Two things that are important in my life!
My favorite dog Jada. She is the best dog there is. She likes to play a lot but she sometimes gets in trouble too. Jada is going to be going to a new house soon and I don't want her to go. I want to keep her so bad but I have to many dogs I have three dogs and we can't have 4 plus Jada is a pitbull and my mom really don't like pitbulls. So I will miss Jada a lot and I hope she goes to a good home. Jada and I will be pitbulls for life!!
My godfather is going to be going to Iraq. I will miss him when he goes there. I really don't want him to go there at all, but he is soing for our country. hopefully my godfather will make it home when he comes back from Iraq. I really don't have to worry about him going this year, but he is going next year and I am going to miss him lots.
My godfather is going to be going to Iraq. I will miss him when he goes there. I really don't want him to go there at all, but he is soing for our country. hopefully my godfather will make it home when he comes back from Iraq. I really don't have to worry about him going this year, but he is going next year and I am going to miss him lots.
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