Monday, May 12, 2008

The Weekend

Well the weekend was just fine. Saturday when I went fishing with my mom, brother, my aunt and her boyfriend, Tonya, my cousin Miranda, and my brothers friend, we caught maybe 40 fish all together. Between my family we caught 15. Sunday was the best day ever. My dad got this thing that has a poem on it. It was something that was for memory of my grandma, I almost cried, but I didn't. After I was done with being with my dad I went back home and my mom and I went to the movies. We watched the movie What Happens In Vegas. It was pretty funny. My mom wants to get it when it comes out on dvd. Also my aunt turned 18 on Sunday. So Tonya is the lucky 18, she is now a grown-up. My weekend was alright. Well I got to get some credits done so talk to you guys later.

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