Friday, May 16, 2008


Well today I am going to get my work done for my presentation. I really don't have a lot of time. Tonya isn't here to help me get the book that I need to make so I am S.O.L. I am not going to get a lot of practicing done before my presentation. But anyway this morning I looked out the window with my mom and we see a train in front of our house. Thanks Angela! And 4th hour today I get to march (Yes) not really. At lease I am not going to sweat today sense it is going to be nice and cool outside. Yesterday my family and I went over to my aunts so my brother can mow the lawn. And when I say family it was my mom, my brother, my cousin sam, her boyfriend, my aunt, my cousin miranda, my cousin brad and me. So it was fun being with them. Well today is going to flippin suck because I am not going to have help, but I am going to try to have a fun time. That's all I hafe to write now.

1 comment:

(akw)Stretch said...

Your Welcome Kristine! We normally put the train like infront of the door. But I wanted to put it by your window. And that is where it got put.

Oh ya I put it in your yard at about 12:30 last night.