Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Well band started up again and I am so excited about it. August 18 I went to band camp and it felt good that I was a sophomore and that I did have to go though with the stuff that the Freshmen had to go though. But anyway August 18 I got my band uniform that is really hot. Today we are actually learning music for Band Day, which I am not going to be there this year. My mom don't have the money to buy the ticket from Mrs. Jensen. But on September 12 I will be doing a field show at hafe time at the football games and that will be really fun. I just have a really good feeling that band is going to be really fun this year with all of our freshmen. It feels really good to be a sophomore. Two more years and I will be out of school and will be out of band and I am ready for it and I am not. It just means that my school years are almost over. Hopefully that this year doesn't go that fast for me. When I am out of band I will not know what to do cause that means I will not be able to play in a group. In band I am playing two instruments that I am playing, one is the tenor sax and the other is the flute. I plan on playing my flute till my senior year then I am going to play the tenor sax. I think that band camp was actually kind of gay this year. Everybody makes fun of me because I go to band camp and that I play the flute. I hate the color guard cause there is this person that I hate that is in there which she shouldn't be because she has only been to on day of band camp and people that are new have to be at band camp everyday so they know the steps and you also have to be in the band because that also helps the color guard, but anyway I hate color guard cause my old best friend is in it. But that shouldn't get me down cause I have a new best friend and her name is Angela Woodman. I am proud that she is my friend cause she don't go behind your back and say a hole bunch of stuff. She is AWESOME. That's all I have to say for right now. I will probably blog tomorrow.

1 comment:

(akw)Stretch said...

YEAH I made the blog again!!! I am glad that we are friends to. Your one of my best friends too!!!!