Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Haunted House

Well Yesterday I went to the Haunted House. I had to do a lot of running around. First I was walking with Jeff, Eric, Derrick and Me. When I got there I had to go back to my house and change my cloths I can paint. Then I went back to the haunted house, I then had to back to my house to tape my mom's show. Then back to the haunted house. Man that was a lot of breath taken out of me. When we were in the house Jeff, Eric, Brad and Me tryed to go through the whole thing, it didn't work out. Then I got called so I had to go all the way back to my room and explain to some people what I am going to do in my room. That really sucked because there were two people in the room that I knew and it was my Godfather and his wife. I was really scary speaking in front of them and telling them what is going on in our room. Well at I got 3 hugs out of it. When my godfather came to the house yesterday I got a hug and then when I got in the house I was running around cause I had nothing to do. Then I followed him in to the next room. He sat on the window and then I did the same thing and then he put his arm around me and kept it there, It was awesome. Then I was just getting outside to call my brother and see why he called me and then my godfather and his wife come out of the house and they were ready to leave. I got one last hug and a hug from his wife. I feel happy. I am going to really miss him so bad. I guess that's the why of life. That's all I have to say for now

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