Wednesday, June 4, 2008


Well tomorrow will probably be my last day, cause I am going to my cousin's graduation on Friday. I don't know if I am going to be back. Also tomorrow the butterfest rides will be opening up at 4:00. Butterfest has a two new rides and they are the Skymaster and one Kiddi ride, that I don't know what the name is. I am going to have fun tomorrow. It is going to suck to because it is suppose to rain that day when it opens so that will suck if it does cause then I can't see anybody because I would have to stay in the house. I can't wait till tomorrow. But anyway Friday I will at my cousin graduation and when that is done I am going to see Mrs. Kowals new baby. It will be great.

I got to get to work so talk to you all later.

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