Thursday, May 1, 2008

It's May

Well it is May! There are a lot of things happening in May. On May 5 it is my mom's birthday and on May 11 is my aunt's birthday and it is the day that my grandma Lorraine died, so my family and I have a little get together for her. On May 26 is the memorial parade and on May 29 is the band and choir banquet. Finally on May 31 is the high school graduation, we get to play but I am not for sure if we do. So that is all the things that are happening, I know for sure. Well that is all that I have to say right now.

1 comment:

♥TonyaJean♥ said...

Yeah we do have a lot of birthday's coming up here in May. And some are really close so it's hard to get a present for all of them. But if you guys do want to go with you dad then go ahead. But you and your family can also do something in memory for your grandmother as well....