Friday, September 5, 2008

Haunted House

Well yesterday I went to the haunted house and I had to do everything in my room!!!!!! I really hated it because my partner needs to help out cause I am sick of her late and always helping someone else out it bugs me. So if she don't want to help me out I might just kick her out!! As some of you know that I hurt my leg yesterday but today I am fine. My brother might be taking over a room at the haunted house and that room is right next to mine, so I have my brother right next to me. Well that's all I have to say today.

1 comment:

(akw)Stretch said...

You are lucky you didn't hurt yourself more during kick ball!

That sad your partner won't help. Maybe you can talk to her and tell her that if she don't help NOW she don't get to help later...when the house opens.