Monday, September 22, 2008
My Weekend
Well my weekend was really boring. I am getting a guitar, I know sweet. But I stayed up till 1 last night so I was tired when I came into school and now I am not tired. The haunted house was open this weekend so I went there and worked on my room. I tryed convencing Mr. Geiwitz to go but I don't think he will go, teachers. But anyway my weekend was kind of retarded, dumb and did I menchin that it was boring. The weekend good times. But I got to get back on my anatomy so I will talk to you all tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Well It's Friday Again
Well it's friday again. It is going to be a really good weekend. I will probably do nothing at home. Today at 4:30 I will be going to the grand opening of the water street road. I will be there for band. We will be marching the road and playing. So that will be fun. This is going to be out of the convertion but yesterday my brother had a football game and my brother trampled some kid down but my brother's team lost 16 to 6, yeah I know that is bad and our team sucks. But anyway back on today I just can't wait till I go home today. I am just so tired that I want to go home and go to bed!!!!!! But I have nothing else to say so talk to you later.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Haunted House
Well Yesterday I went to the Haunted House. I had to do a lot of running around. First I was walking with Jeff, Eric, Derrick and Me. When I got there I had to go back to my house and change my cloths I can paint. Then I went back to the haunted house, I then had to back to my house to tape my mom's show. Then back to the haunted house. Man that was a lot of breath taken out of me. When we were in the house Jeff, Eric, Brad and Me tryed to go through the whole thing, it didn't work out. Then I got called so I had to go all the way back to my room and explain to some people what I am going to do in my room. That really sucked because there were two people in the room that I knew and it was my Godfather and his wife. I was really scary speaking in front of them and telling them what is going on in our room. Well at I got 3 hugs out of it. When my godfather came to the house yesterday I got a hug and then when I got in the house I was running around cause I had nothing to do. Then I followed him in to the next room. He sat on the window and then I did the same thing and then he put his arm around me and kept it there, It was awesome. Then I was just getting outside to call my brother and see why he called me and then my godfather and his wife come out of the house and they were ready to leave. I got one last hug and a hug from his wife. I feel happy. I am going to really miss him so bad. I guess that's the why of life. That's all I have to say for now
Monday, September 15, 2008
Eagle Bluff
Friday, September 5, 2008
Haunted House
Well yesterday I went to the haunted house and I had to do everything in my room!!!!!! I really hated it because my partner needs to help out cause I am sick of her late and always helping someone else out it bugs me. So if she don't want to help me out I might just kick her out!! As some of you know that I hurt my leg yesterday but today I am fine. My brother might be taking over a room at the haunted house and that room is right next to mine, so I have my brother right next to me. Well that's all I have to say today.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Well yesterday I went to my godfathers house and it was ok, they were cleaning their basement. Well Jared and Natalie were not me. I just sat back and watched. Jared and Natalie were moving everthing and they did know what was in it so one of the boxs were opened and guess what Natalie pulls out, my fourth grade picture and I just said to myself ok this isn't cool. Jared said that it was so cute and I just smiled. So Yeah I love hanging out with those guys. They always make me laugh, Angela you got to meet them cause Natalie knows your name. Then I had to go, so I gave Natalie a hug and went upstairs to give Jared a hug and he was outside, so I had to go to the back of the house and I told Jared that I was leaving and he opened the gate and let me though, but the only thing that was holding me back was the dogs. One of their dogs is twice my size. I got trampled. When I got though I gave my godfather a hug, He gave me a kiss on the head and then I left. That was the first time he has ever did that. I think he did it because he knows that he is going to Iraq and that we only known each other for 5 years. It really sucks, I really don't want to have him go. But anyway that was my day after I got home from school, went to my grandma's and then went for a walk.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Well band started up again and I am so excited about it. August 18 I went to band camp and it felt good that I was a sophomore and that I did have to go though with the stuff that the Freshmen had to go though. But anyway August 18 I got my band uniform that is really hot. Today we are actually learning music for Band Day, which I am not going to be there this year. My mom don't have the money to buy the ticket from Mrs. Jensen. But on September 12 I will be doing a field show at hafe time at the football games and that will be really fun. I just have a really good feeling that band is going to be really fun this year with all of our freshmen. It feels really good to be a sophomore. Two more years and I will be out of school and will be out of band and I am ready for it and I am not. It just means that my school years are almost over. Hopefully that this year doesn't go that fast for me. When I am out of band I will not know what to do cause that means I will not be able to play in a group. In band I am playing two instruments that I am playing, one is the tenor sax and the other is the flute. I plan on playing my flute till my senior year then I am going to play the tenor sax. I think that band camp was actually kind of gay this year. Everybody makes fun of me because I go to band camp and that I play the flute. I hate the color guard cause there is this person that I hate that is in there which she shouldn't be because she has only been to on day of band camp and people that are new have to be at band camp everyday so they know the steps and you also have to be in the band because that also helps the color guard, but anyway I hate color guard cause my old best friend is in it. But that shouldn't get me down cause I have a new best friend and her name is Angela Woodman. I am proud that she is my friend cause she don't go behind your back and say a hole bunch of stuff. She is AWESOME. That's all I have to say for right now. I will probably blog tomorrow.
Second Day
Well everyone it is the second day of school. Well all I have to say today is that today for me is going to be awesome because know school started and now I don't have to be bored, so happy. Well that's all I have to say.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Well everyone school is here. I am so glad that I am back in school. I was so bored this summer. Angela staying at your house was really fun except that I got woke up from a grenade, THANKS. Well this summer a couple of people we know have pasted away and it sucks that they are gone. My Uncle Randy killed himself in his basement and I miss him terribly. Well school so far is so awesome, but closer to the end of this week I will probably be sick of it so yeah. As you know there is some new students here at high point, but you know what I don't care. Congrats new people you made it to one of the most coolest schools. I really hope that you like it here and that you have fun here. Well before school started I took my dog to the dog park. And my dog was so scared that she was mainly by me and she also did go to anyone else that was with me. Every dog that went to the dog park they would try to play with my dog and that didn't work cause she would just growl. Here are some pictures of her and being stubborn. Other dogs were trying to play with her but like I said she is stubborn.
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