Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Just Some Things

Well there are some things that are happing in my life. On May 9 my brother and I might go to my dad's. My brother probably won't want to go but I am going to try talking to my brother to see if he will go because on May 10 dad's family is going to celebrate mothers day and to remember my grandma. So that's one thing we might do. And I am kinda mad that my parents split up because my mom is always down and I think it would be better if my parents were still together. Plus my dad and my step mom fight every time my brother and I are there. It's just sicking. Sometimes I wonder why my parents loved each other if they were going to get a divorce right away. But anyway my life is just wonderful right now. I seriously can't wait till summer. So much swimming and skateboarding for me. Summer is almost here too. Well that's all for right now.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Big Brother Is Over

Well yesterday Big Brother was amazing because I thought that Ryan would win Big Brother but it wasn't him it was Adam. So Big Brother is now over and now I can't wait till Big brother 10, which will show on July 13. I can't wait

Monday, April 21, 2008

Back From Being Sick

Well I am back from being sick. This whole weekend sucked because I had a stomach ache the whole time I was at my grandma's house. But I am feeling a lot better!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

My Weekend

Well on Saturday I got a new game system, xbox. My brother and I were playing a lot of games on it. We got only one paddle with it so my brother and I had to share. My mom pay 70 bucks just to get it. Then my mom, Anna and Mike went to the casino so I had to baby site my brother. When they got home I got 10 bucks from watching my brother and 20 from watching my cousin a while back. Then we went to Wal-mart so I can get the movie Walk Hard. On Sunday I went to my boyfriends house. After that my mom came and picked me up to go home cause we had to help take care of my grandma's neighbor's baby because there was no one there at the house to take care of her so we did it and the baby was hooked on me. So I had to sleep in my brothers room. That was basically my weekend!

Friday, April 11, 2008

It's The Weekend

Well it's the weekend. I am going to go outside and go skateboarding, maybe that's if it is not raining. I might go and play something with my brother. On Sunday I am going to watch Big Brother. I want to see who wins the Head Of Household. I really want Sheila to win it or Ryan. So that is going to be my weekend.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What Happened

My brother was sick the last two days. He wasn't feeling to good yesterday and had to stay home because he had a fever. Then my mom had to resine for the morrow home because supposely she didn't give a two week notice about quit and going to a different work. So that's what happened to my mom. Yesterday night we were watching Big Brother and James got put back on to the block because Ryan won the P.O.V (Power Of Veto) and took off Sheila off the block so now Sharon and James are on the block. I really want Ryan and Adam to be in the top two.

Monday, April 7, 2008

My Weekend

My weekend was really boring!! I had to help my mom, and then my brother wanted me to play catch with him. I really didn't want to play catch with my brother. I just wanted to help my mom more. Well my mom is doing a little better, but still has pain in her back. She Tried so much to get up an stretch a little bit so her back don't hurt. Then yesterday my back starts to hurt and it still hurts today, but it don't hurt as bad as my moms. My back is hurting because I slept wrong. Yesterday my mom and I went to piggly wiggly to go buy milk and some other stuff. My brother took a bad turn this morning by getting up and throwing up. He did it twice, then when I woke up my brother did it again. So my brother is home. I just hope that the next coming up weekend is better. And another thing I can't wait till summer, then I won't have to get up really early!!!

Friday, April 4, 2008


Yesterday my mom went to the doctors because of her back and the doctor said that she might have a slip disc. Yesterday I was at home helping my mom get up and doing her dishes and cleaning her table. I also had to rub this stuff on her back that is suppose to help her with her muscles in her back. The stuff did help for a while but after a few minutes the pain was back on her back. Today my mom is at home and hopfully she is doing ok. My mom don't know if she is going to go to work on Monday because the pain is bad. S0 that was my dad yesterday.